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Комментарии к оригинальному тексту «Чикчи» представлены на английском языке.
Click the number in the image to see details on composition analysis and explanation.
This page is particularly replete with small-sized characters. The re-engraved edition of the book Commentaries on Jabidoryangchambeop (Repentance Ritual of the Great Compassion) was printed using the same movable metal types as the ones used for Jikji. However, unlike in Jikji, the book does not show frequent use of small-sized types, suggesting that it was published prior to Jikji. That is, the same types used for the book were used again to print Jikji, but when types were missing, or when more types were needed, small-sized types, as seen here, or wooden types were used as substitutes. (See the appendix for explanations on the re-engraved edition.)
Character (yeong) appearing in Jikji and Commentaries on Jabidoryangchambeop
Notation under the image
Chapter No.-Front a, Back b-Row-ColumnJikjiCommentaries on Jabidoryangchambeop (Repentance Ritual of the Great Compassion) -
Chan Master ChangluYingfu (長蘆應夫) told the following story about Chan Master Dongshan Shouchu (洞山守初). One day a monk residing in a hermitage saw two mud oxen. They fought and fell into the sea. There had been no news of them since, for they were probably dispersed by the sea. One day, Master Dongshan, who was on a pilgrimage, visited the monk.
Master Dongshan asked the monk who had been cultivating his mind alone in his hermitage: “What principle of the Way you have encountered keeps you on this mountain? (Upon hearing the question, the monk began talking about the two mud oxen he once saw.)
The monk’s answer sounds incoherent and irrelevant, but if you reflect on it thoroughly, it is anything but. We can think of two fighting mud oxen as symbolism for all sorts of conflicting relationships between two entities, and the sea as nirvana, a realm with no distinction. Just as two mud oxen cannot help but dissolve into nothingness once they fall into the sea, if we reach nirvana, all clashing relationships in nature will agree on a truce. In this light, the hermit monk’s answer is equivalent to saying that practicing the Way deep within the mountains is no different from living in nirvana. At the same time, in a soft and implicit way, the monk was practicallyasking him in due turn, “Why do you live here? Why not live there?” urging him to let go of questions that result in needless distinctions. (SeoMyeong-won) -
One day, master Xuefeng and monks Fanzhi and Qinshan (欽山) travelled from Shaoyang (湘中) to the southern area of the Yangtze River and reached the foot of Xinwushan Mountain (新吳山) in Shandong Province. While washing his feet in the valley stream, Qinshan was pleased to find a leaf of some vegetable, pointed at it and said to the two monks,
“An ascetic must be living in this mountain. If we follow the stream, we can meet him.”
At this, Xuefeng replied in anger.
“Your eyes of wisdom are quite clouded. How could you judge a person so flippantly?
If someone is so generous with his fortune, why should he stay in the mountains?”
Source: The Mysterious and Interesting Story of Jikji, Taehak Publisher -
A chief monk, who lived in a hermitage located high in the mountains, did not have his hair cut for years. He made himself a gourd dipper to drink water from the stream. At this sight, a monk asked,
“Why did Dharma come from west to east?”
The chief monk replied, setting the gourd dipper upright.
“Deep water requires a gourd dipper with a long handle.”
The monk returned to his hermitage and told the anecdote to master Xuefeng.
The master said,
“Quite strange, so strange.”
One day, the chief monk, accompanied by an attendant, came to meet the master carrying a hair-cutting knife and asked if Xuefeng could cut his hair.
“If you give me empty words, I shall not cut your hair today.”
Then immediately after washing his hair, the chief monk kneeled down in front of Xuefeng and the master cut his hair.
Source: The Mysterious and Interesting Story of Jikji, Taehak Publisher