Folio 25 Verso

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    LepuYuan’an (樂普元安, 834–898) was a Chinese monk of the Tang Dynasty. He was born in Fengxiang (鳳翔縣), Shaanxi Province, and his secular surname wasDan (淡).In 854, at the age of 20, he entered monastic life at Huai’en Temple (懷恩寺) in Qiyang (岐陽).

    At an early age, he received teachings from Chan Master Linji Yixuan (臨濟義玄) on Mount Cuiwei (翠微山). Later under the discipleship of JiashanShanhui (夾山善會), he achieved awakening. While staying in Lepu (樂普,also written 洛浦), Lizhou (澧州), Hunan Province, he also taught an assortment of monks from across the country.

    Later, he moved to a monastery in Suxi (蘇谿縣), Hunan Province, where he dedicated himself to enlightening people through the teachings of the Buddha.An anecdote about Lepu’s last day of life (臨終接化彦從上座), where heassesses his senior disciple Yancong (彦從)’s degree of awakening,has survived until the present day as a koan.
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