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  • 1 The lower right corner of the cover, as well as the back of the cover, mentions “Coréen 109,” the book’s serial number used at the National Library of France, and it means “Korean edition 109.”

    The library started assigning such serial numbers after buying Collin de Plancy’s book collection in 1911. Numbers 1–72 were assigned to ancient books, 73–102 to diverse geography books and maps, and 103–108 to lists of kings of Korean and Chinese dynasties as well as almanacs. In the 1911 auction, the library purchased 108 items from Collin de Plancy, as indicated by the serial numbers, but Jikji was sold to Henri Vever at the same auction. Later in 1943, when he passed away, Jikji was donated in his will to the library and assigned the number 109.
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