Folio 6 Recto

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Der Kommentarinhalt des Originaltextes von Jikji ist in englischer Sprache verfasst.

Click the number in the image to see details on composition analysis and explanation.

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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  • 1 The characters were printed in varying shades of black due to uneven typesetting.
  • 2 The lower portion of 法 (beop) shows signs of a bubble phenomenon. 難 (nan) was printed poorly because the type for the upper character was set higher than the one for this character.
  • 3 There are no speckles.
  • 4 There are no speckles.
  • 5 The character was drawn with a writing brush.
  • 6 Some strokes were added using a writing brush. Since the type for 歷 (yeok) was set higher than 涉 (seop), the latter exhibits poor print quality.
  • 7 Intrusion between strokes of two adjacent characters is evident.
  • 8 The tip of the last stroke of 此 (cha) was printed poorly probably because the type surface was uneven.
  • 9 The type was set in a slanted position.
  • 10 The character is not as dark as it was printed with a depressed type.
  • 11 The print quality is uneven because the types were also unevenly set.
  • 12 A stroke in the character is broken.
  • 13
    One day, someone from the secular world visited the temple with a child. Zen Master Fayan Wenyi asked the child a question, but no answer was returned. Then Fayan recited a Buddhist stanza as follows
    Although a child is eight years old,
    He does not understand my question.
    It is not because he cannot speak
    But because he cannot hold the greater dharma.
    Later, Zen Master Baiyun Shouduan (白雲守端, 1025~1072) said,
    "It was not because he couldn’t speak, but rather because he was holding all of the greater dharma." Source: The Mysterious and Interesting Story of Jikji, Taehak Publisher
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