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    Yunmen Wenyan (雲門文偃, 864–949)was a Chinese Chan master of the late Tang period. He was born in Jiaxing (嘉興縣), Zhejiang Province, andhis secular name was Zhang (張). He founded one of the Five Schools of Chan. His monastic life started early. As a child, he studied under Chan Master Zhi Cheng (志澄). At the age of 17, he became a monk but grew unsatisfied with his education. Lamenting that doctrinal learning was unable to reveal his self-nature, he soon began to pursue Chan Buddhism. When he met Chan Master XuefengYicun (雪峰義存, 822–908) and became his disciple, Yunmen achieved awakening. Later, he left the master and travelled, visiting a number of monasteries and Buddhists. After paying respect to the Pagoda of the Sixth Patriarch, he joined the monastery of LingshuRumin (靈樹如敏).

    After Linghshu’s death, following the solicitation of the ruler Liu Yan (劉龑), he became the abbot of the monastery.Yunmen stayed at Yunmen Temple (雲門寺) for 30 years and passed away on April 10 in the seventh year of Qianhe (949).

    The common saying “Every day is a good day.” (日日是好日) originatedfrom what the Chan master once said. However, he considered his own school “so high and steep, with streams rushing so swiftly, that fish cannot stay.” Among the Five Schools of Chan, the Yunmen School produced the greatest number of eminentChan masters.
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    XiangyanZhixian(香嚴智閑, ?–898)was a Chinese Chan master born in Dengzhou (鄧州). His secular surname was Liu, his Buddhist name Zhixian (智閑). He began his monastic life as a child and studied under Chan Master Baizhang Huaihai (百丈懷海). Later, he visited Chan Master GuishanLingyou (潙山靈祐) and became his disciple. It is said that, a man of unparalleled scholarship, he was seven Chinese feet tall, knowledgeable and gifted with eloquence.
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