Included in a UNESCO list

Included in a UNESCO list

In 1996, at the UNESCO Chungbuk Association’s academic seminar titled “UNESCO and Early Printing Culture”, a suggestion was first made to inscribe Heungdeoksa Temple’s metal type book Jikji on the UNESCO Memory of the World (MoW) Register.

Jikji is the world’s oldest extant metal type print book, published at least 78 years earlier than Gutenberg’s 42-line Bible and 145 years earlier than China’s Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn Annals, which demonstrates sufficient value as a world heritage.

With the ceaseless efforts of relevant organizations including the Cheongju City government, Cheongju Early Printing Museum, Korean National Commission for UNESCO, and UNESCO Chungbuk Association, Jikji was inscribed on the MoW Register on September 4, 2001 in recognition of its value, following the evaluation process of 42 documentary heritage items submitted by 23 countries across the world at the fifth meeting of International Advisory Committee for UNESCO’s MoW Programme, which was convened in Cheongju from June 27 to 29, 2001.

Memory of the World
페이지 상단으로 이동